Supportive And Kind Owner Teaches A Dog Born Without Hind Legs How To Balance On Her Front Legs

A sweet puppy who was abandoned and left to fend for itself has learnt to walk and run on two legs.

Putol was born with just her front legs, but she never let that stop her. As shown in this adorable video, the six-year-old dog has learnt to run extremely fast on her two front paws due to her new owner, Danilo Codilego Jr.

Putol, which means “chopped” in the Tagalog language of Luzon, The Philippines, is commonly seen running with other dogs and exploring the Casiguran district of Quezon City’s side streets and gutters.

Nothing will irritate you more than such remark.

“They didn’t think she’d live long,” Danilo explained. I was the only one who had the courage to look after her. We took risks because we felt bad for her.

“We couldn’t come up with anything else than Putol.”

You couldn’t think of anything? What about Molly, Coco, and Willow? Right now, I can think of three.

“She doesn’t mind when I have to travel for business since everyone looks after her.” She is not picky. She like the foods we eat. However, due to her illness, she is unable to have puppies.”

We believe she is too preoccupied with having fun to think about puppies.

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